Award Winning Screenwriters David Martinez Álvarez and Juan Alberto Garcia del Santo in the Talent Spotlight
Juan del Santo, Actor, producer and screenwriter of Flow
FF: Was there an inspirational moment or an idea that made you want to make your film?
JS: Yes, a personal dream I had years ago, I had a dream with my father, Walter describes it when he is on stage. And I had the intuition we could make a feature out of it, among many other ideas.
FF: Aside from normal production issues. Did you overcome any obstacles while completing the film?
JS: We had a lot of material, eliminating things is necessary and sometimes, painful. Another thing, making coincide everybody in the shooting, the dates I mean was not easy.
FF: What camera(s) did you shoot your film with?
JS: Sony PMW F3-K
FF: Which role are you most comfortable with on set?
JS: As an actor. No matter if drama or comedy. Do you have a favorite film genre? Drama. And biographies.
FF: What piece of advice would you give to filmmakers making their first film?
JS: To be cautious and realistic when writing the script, Never forget your budget. Still believe in your idea, the idea and feelings that moved you to do it, never forget that. Script must be doable. Head in heaven, feet on ground or floor, we say in Spain. It is a good mixture.
FF: Can you tell us what to expect from you in the near future?
JS: I have a project of a feature film, supporting role, french director, almost sure, but not completely sure yet. And other possible projects, and trying to open doors with FLOW and in general, specially as an actor.
David Martinez, Director of Flow
FF: Was there an inspirational moment or an idea that made you want to make your film?
DM: After the first days of rehearsals watching the main character appear and grow made me believe it was possible and worth to make the story grow.
FF: Aside from normal production issues. Did you overcome any obstacles while completing the film?
DM: Adapting postproduction schedule to collaborators agendas due to their rates discounts
FF: What camera(s) did you shoot your film with?
DM: Sony PMW F3-K
FF: Which role are you most comfortable with on set?
DM: Directing, ADing.
FF: Do you have a favorite film genre?
DM: Drama & Thriller
FF: What piece of advice would you give to filmmakers making their first film?
DM: Write and produce a film having in mind the resources you are going to be able to afford. Prepare a lot and ask for help to your collaborators if you are not ready for something. Don’t be shy if you believe in something let others say no.
FF: Can you tell us what to expect from you in the near future?
DM: Keep fighting for my next film.