Dive inside the first annual FANtastic Horror Film Festival with co-founder JoAnn Thomas

Indie Horror fans will be treated to over 34 shorts and features during the inaugural FHFF

What sets your festival apart from other festivals? 
The FANtastic Horror Film Festival is dedicated to giving the Indie Horror Fans a place to see the newest films we can find, without the hustle and bustle of a Horror Convention. 

Do you have a favorite film that has showcased at your Festival? 
This coming Halloween weekend will be our first festival. We are showcasing 34 Indie Horror Shorts and Features over 3 days. 

Is there something in particular that you look for in submissions? Or are there multiple factors? 
We look for movies that are fresh. Generally speaking no older that 2 years. We have 5 judges who review the films for content.

What is your goal for your festival? 
Our goal is to bring together the fans and filmmakers in a mutually fulfilling atmosphere. We also have a great desire to screen films that might not otherwise reach the big screen.

How is your festival received locally? 
We are known across the US but haven't reached the local community as much as we would like as of yet, but it is coming.

Where do you see or would like to see your Festival in 5 years? 
When we first got started our goal was to be an International Indie Horror Film Festival. In this our first year we have 2 Canadian films and 1 Italian film so we have already met that goal of sorts.


The FANtastic Horror Film Festival
1st year festival
October 30th -November 4, 2014

